Up for sale is one pack of 1000+ Lawn Alternative flower seed mix (approximately 3 grams). This is all flower seed and not 95% filler like the flower seed mixes you see at the big box stores. Perfect for areas where you don't want to mow, this lawn alternative mix creates a full growing season of fowers that range from 4" to 12" tall. Best for zones 4-9 this mix includes the following annual and perennial flower seeds:
Gold Dust
English Daisy
Snow in Summer
Chrysanthemum Daisy
Creeping White Daisy
African Daisy
California Bluebell
Five Spot
Baby Blue Eyes
Sheep Fescue
Best for zone 4-9 these seeds can be planted from from late fall (after your first hard freeze) to spring (after your last frost). Work enriched garden soil 6" deep and spread via a shaker where you mix your packet of seeds with four cups of peat before spreading (this prevents clumping your flowers together). Depending on if you want a dense floral look one packet will cover 200 square feet, or if you want a breezy country meadow look they will spread to 1000 square feet.
Once you sow your seeds cover with a light dusting of peat to keep the birds away, or you can use a light covering of straw. Another enemy of flower seeds are ants, so if you are not opposed treat your seed area with some ant bait before seeding so they don't take some of your seeds for a winter snack.
The following fall you can let the flowers stay on the stem until after your first hard freeze and the annuals will self seed and the perennials should return the following year. We suggest mowing your groundcover area with at least a 4" mower setting. Don't bag but mulch the clippings back into your flower bed so the annuals can re-seed.