Up for sale is one pack of 10 Herbaceous Peony flower seeds (Paeonia lactiflora). Coming in shades of white, pink, and red these perennial peony flower seeds are easy to sow, but do require several specific steps to get them to germinate - please read the instructions below before purchasing as they do require a time commitment to get the seeds to germinate.
PLEASE NOTE: Peony flowers will only grow in zones 3-8. For warmer zones 9-10, the vegetation will grow but they will not flower.
We offer flat rate combined shipping on all orders, no limit on the amount or type of seed packets.
Soil temperature: 70 degrees fahrenheit
Germination lighting: Dark
Germination days: 150 days
Plant spread: 24"
Plant height: 24"
Plant type: Perennial
We follow the American Peony Society's guide on starting peony from seeds. This is a perennial flower for zones 3-8 and won't take the extreme summer heat of zones 9-10. Care should be taken in choosing these for warmer parts of zone 8 as they do need an extended cold winter to flower the next year.
Peony seeds require a three step process to germinate. Taking a short cut, or skipping a step, will ensure that your seeds will probably not germinate:
Step 1 is to soak your seeds for three or four days, changing the water every 12 hours. Any seeds that do not stay firm, and become mushy, should be discarded.
Step 2 is to warm treat the seeds for 90 days. Place your seeds with a small amount (1/8th cup) of screened peat, pearlite, or vericulite into a small baggie. Add a very small amount of water (1 teaspoon) into the baggie and seal, you want your mix slightly moist but not soggy. Store in a warm place where the temperature stays around 70 to 85 degree and out of direct sunlight. The more consistent the warmth the higher the germination rate will be. Examine your baggie every month and if the mix appears to be dry add a small amount of water.
Step 3 is to cold treat your seeds for 60 days. Examine your seeds after the warm treatment phase and discard and mushy or moldy seeds. Add a small amount of water to your baggie and place in your refrigerator (not your freezer). After 30 days examine your baggie to see if you need to add an additional small amount of water. During this cold treatment period roots will appear from the seeds
After the 60 day cold treatment period you can transfer any seeds that created roots to pots. Keep your pots moist and cool (around 70 degrees) until your seedling appears. Once you see a stem with leaf growth your flower is ready to transplant into a larger pot or your garden.
Please note - Peonies are very slow growing perennials and seed started plants can take two or more years before they will produce flowers.